Reo, Pain, Exhaustion

Exhaustion. That’s what I feel right now. Yesterday I had Reo checked out for his head bobbing /lameness issue. I trust my vet, so he says Reo is simply thin soled and needs shoes. Nothing serious except he should wear shoes during riding season. I was relieved, but it seems too simple. I’ll give a try on that, and hope he’s right. Better for Reo and better for me, not to mention my pocketbook.

So, while he’s sore on his left front foot, I’m pretty much sore all over. My damn knees are bothering me, my hip bones ache, my back causes me to bend, and I’m just generally annoyed with my body. In fact, I went on a peanut butter eating binge in frustration with my aches, my unclear brain processes, and whatever. So today I stopped. Control is the word. Control my mind and turn off the excuse part. Eat right, think right, exercise right, and get back on track riding and rebuilding those muscles that keep the pain away from my joints. And keep packing those boxes.

So, Buddy was last seen by me on Mother’s Day. I brought his Equioxx to the barn, cleaned his stall, and looked over the fence at him. No point in bothering him, as I could see he was contentedly grazing on the new spring grass, with Bella and Toby nearby. I could have called him in, but felt he was happier being left alone. It’s hard sometimes to accept he’s a horse and not my partner. I can see how it would be so easy to neglect an animal like Buddy, you just forget about them because they’re not with you. I know he’s taken care of and loved in his present home, and maybe I’m just jealous he doesn’t need me. It’s hard for me to not see him everyday. But he’s fine, just fine!

Now I’m concentrating on packing boxes for the imminent move. Boxes everywhere….in my office, in my kitchen, in my family room, and so on. The ladies helping me get rid of stuff are holding a garage sale this weekend. All our junk is out in the garage for others to rummage thru to see if there is anything they want: Paint cans, books, clothes, table cloths, tools, horse blankets, pots, and more. Since I think there’s nothing worthwhile, I’m not sure why others want it. Garage sales are weird, in my opinion. But, if the ladies want to create a garage sale, and make a few hundred dollars, then more power to them. It’s just not my thing. Period.

In a few days, Reo will be moving to his new home, and we will follow the day after. I’m sure he will be miserable….I’m sure we will be miserable, too. Voices raised as we try to handle the turmoil in our lives. It will be worth it, for us and for Reo.

But, I must admit, I am exhausted and feeling the strain of this move. I think I have to realize that I’m not as agile and capable as I once was, but I am still in pretty good shape mentally, so that should take care of it. I’m excited, for us, for Reo! And even for the dogs. Just found out there’s a dog park at our new neighborhood, so Chloe and Nellie will have free time off the leash. Yeah. Jake will just be happy there is no hardwood floors for him to slide on. Carpet everywhere just for him.

In one week all will be changed, and a new life for this old woman, three dogs, one husband, and one paint horse will be taking place. Can’t wait!

Published by mjm1942

I have aged. Of course. I was born in Trenton, NJ in 1942. I now live in Kentucky. It's 2021. My marriage has lasted 58 years, and I still love the man. My three children live far from us, and I miss them; however, it's fine with just him and me. We are best friends. I love my dogs, past and present, and my horse. I have failed as a professional writer, but I still dabble now and then. I have always been restless; perhaps because I have moved so many times in my life. I feel like something is waiting to happen around the corner. I graduated from Salem College at 55 years of age. I am a woman.

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  1. This powerful piece is well written. I feel your tiredness in your word choice. I celebrate your mental strength finding the positives in this move. Your strength is motivating!

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