My Old Horse

I visited Buddy yesterday. I had to drop off his Source (vitamins) and DuMour joint medicine…important to keep him up with his supplements. He’s been on Source for 30 years, and I am paranoid about being sure he gets it daily. Funny how something I started years ago still affects my psyche. I am positive …


I missed a few horse days, and today was my fix. The day offered blue skies, cool temperatures, no wind, and time to ride. As I approached the barn, I looked to see how far out Reo was in the pasture. He was mid-point, amidst the clumpy mud and water, which meant I needed my …


I can say it was a No Horse Day, but I can’t say they ever left my mind. Spent the morning at home, and the afternoon with our son and daughter-in-law. Actually took time to watch a movie, Captain Marvel, and I did enjoy the movie. I did not enjoy the loud music, so stuffed …